🇧🇷 Brazil Area Code

From Chahaoba

+55 = Brazil :

Area Code, Long-distance Call VoIP, Mobile/Cellular Locator and Telephone Number of Brazil.

🔗 References:

Brazil International Dialing Code

  • Name: Brazil 🇧🇷
  • Code: 55, also +55, 0055, 00 55, 00-55, +55-, +0055, 055, 00055, 011-55 etc.

General Information

  • Brazil country code: 55
  • International call prefix: 00xx (xx=Carrier code)
  • National long distance call prefix: 0xx (xx=Carrier code)
  • All mobile telephone numbers contain 9 digits and start with the digit 9.
All fixed telephone numbers contain 8 digits and start with the digit 2, 3 , 4 or 5.
  • International dialing format: +55 - Area code - local number (or mobile number)
Example: +55 61 2312 2026

Detail of Area Code and Prefix

List of Carrier selection codes in Brazil

  • 12 : CTBC/Algar Telecom
  • 14 : Brasil Telecom
  • 15 : Telefónica
  • 21 : Embratel
  • 23 : Intelig Telecom
  • 25 : Global Village Telecom (GVT)
  • 31 : Oi
  • 41 : TIM - Telecom Italia Mobile
  • 43 : Sercomtel
  • 65 : CGB Voip Informática e Comunicação

List of Area codes in Brazil

Areacode +55.jpg
State Area code Information
São Paulo 11 São Paulo metropolitan area
São Paulo 12 Vale do Paraíba (São José dos Campos, Taubaté, Guaratinguetá) and Northern coast (Ubatuba, São Sebastião)
São Paulo 13 Baixada Santista (Santos, São Vicente, Guarujá) and Southern coast (Registro, Itanhaém)
São Paulo 14 Central (Bauru, Marília, Botucatu)
São Paulo 15 Southwest (Sorocaba, Itapetininga)
São Paulo 16 Northeast (Ribeirão Preto, Franca, São Carlos)
São Paulo 17 Northwest (São José do Rio Preto, Catanduva)
São Paulo 18 West (Presidente Prudente, Araçatuba)
São Paulo 19 Central-South (Campinas, Piracicaba, Limeira)
Rio de Janeiro 21 Greater Rio de Janeiro and Teresópolis
Rio de Janeiro 22 East and North (Campos dos Goytacazes, Cabo Frio, Nova Friburgo)
Rio de Janeiro 24 West (Petrópolis, Volta Redonda, Angra dos Reis)
Espírito Santo 27 Central and North (Vitória, Linhares, Colatina)
Espírito Santo 28 South (Cachoeiro de Itapemirim)
Minas Gerais 31 Central (Greater Belo Horizonte, Sete Lagoas, Ipatinga)
Minas Gerais 32 Southeast (Juiz de Fora, Muriaé, Barbacena)
Minas Gerais 33 East and Northeast (Governador Valadares, Teófilo Otoni)
Minas Gerais 34 West (Uberlândia, Uberaba, Patos de Minas)
Minas Gerais 35 Southwest (Poços de Caldas, Varginha, Pouso Alegre)
Minas Gerais 37 Central-West (Divinópolis)
Minas Gerais 38 North (Montes Claros, Diamantina)
Paraná 41 Greater Curitiba and coast (Paranaguá)
Paraná 42 Central-South (Ponta Grossa, Guarapuava)
Paraná 43 Northeast (Londrina, Apucarana)
Paraná 44 Northwest (Maringá, Umuarama)
Paraná 45 West (Foz do Iguaçu, Cascavel)
Paraná 46 Southwest (Francisco Beltrão, Pato Branco)
Santa Catarina(Brazil) 47 Northeast (Joinville, Blumenau, Itajaí)
Santa Catarina(Brazil) 48 Greater Florianópolis and South (Criciúma, Tubarão)
Santa Catarina(Brazil) 49 Central and West (Lages, Chapecó)
Rio Grande do Sul 51 Greater Porto Alegre, Central-South (Santa Cruz do Sul), Northern coast (Torres)
Rio Grande do Sul 53 South (Pelotas, Rio Grande, Bagé)
Rio Grande do Sul 54 North (Caxias do Sul, Passo Fundo)
Rio Grande do Sul 55 Central, West and Northwest (Santa Maria, Uruguaiana, Ijuí)
Federal District 61 entire Federal District (Brasília) and surrounding area of Goiás state
Goiás 61 area surrounding Brasília
Goiás 62 Central and North (Greater Goiânia, Anápolis)
Goiás 64 South and West (Rio Verde, Itumbiara, Catalão)
Tocantins 63 entire State of Tocantins (capital city Palmas)
Mato Grosso 65 Southwest (Cuiabá, Cáceres)
Mato Grosso 66 East and North (Rondonópolis, Sinop)
Mato Grosso do Sul 67 entire State of Mato Grosso do Sul (capital city Campo Grande)
Acre 68 entire State of Acre (capital city Rio Branco)
Rondônia 69 entire State of Rondônia (capital city Porto Velho)
Bahia 71 Greater Salvador
Bahia 73 South (Ilhéus, Itabuna, Porto Seguro, Jequié)
Bahia 74 Northwest (Juazeiro)
Bahia 75 Northeast (Feira de Santana)
Bahia 77 Southwest and West (Vitória da Conquista, Barreiras)
Sergipe 79 entire State of Sergipe (capital city Aracaju)
Pernambuco 81 East (Greater Recife, Caruaru, Fernando de Noronha)
Pernambuco 87 Central and West (Petrolina, Garanhuns)
Alagoas 82 entire State of Alagoas (capital city Maceió)
Paraíba 83 entire State of Paraíba (capital city João Pessoa)
Rio Grande do Norte 84 entire State of Rio Grande do Norte (capital city Natal)
Ceará 85 Greater Fortaleza
Ceará 88 Central, West and South (Juazeiro do Norte, Sobral)
Piauí 86 North (Teresina, Parnaíba)
Piauí 89 Central and South (Picos, Floriano)
Pará 91 Northeast (Greater Belém, Capanema)
Pará 93 Central and West (Santarém, Altamira)
Pará 94 Southeast (Marabá, Carajás)
Amazonas 92 Northeast (Greater Manaus, Itacoatiara, Parintins)
Amazonas 97 Central, South and West (Coari, Tabatinga, Humaitá)
Roraima 95 entire State of Roraima (capital city Boa Vista)
Amapá 96 entire State of Amapá (capital city Macapá)
Maranhão 98 North (Greater São Luís, Pinheiro)
Maranhão 99 Central and South (Imperatriz, Caxias)

Special service

Leading digits Service
0300 local-rate calls
0303 televoting, charged at local rate
0500 premium-rate telephone numbers for charity donations
0800 toll-free telephone numbers
0900 premium-rate telephone numbers

Important/Emergency Numbers

Phone Number Service category
136 Ministry of Health hotline
153 Municipal Guards
181 anonymous crime reporting
190 Military Police
191 Federal Highway Police
192 ambulance
193 firefighters
194 Federal Police Department
197 Civil Police
198 state Highway Patrol
199 Civil Defense
0055-0800-729-0722 Banco Do Brasil
(11)2445-2945 São Paulo Guarulhos International Airport

Phone Call Instructions

Phone calls from Brazil

The International access code for Brazil is 00xx (xx=Carrier code). Please dial 00 and the carrier code before the country code of the country you are calling when making international calls.

The National long distance access code for Brazil is 0xx (xx=Carrier code). Please dial 0 and the carrier code before the area code when making domestic long distance calls.

  • Local call: XXX XXXX(local number)
  • National long distance call: 0 - carrier code - area code - phone number
  • From Brazil to abroad: 00 - carrier code - country code - area code(if any) - phone number

To call Brazil from abroad

To call Brazil from abroad, the International access code depends on which country you are in.

Dial the International access code or plus sign(+) at first, then 55, then dial the area code and the phone number.

  • For example: How to call Brazil from the USA:
011(or +) - 55 - area code - phone number.

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