🇹🇻 Tuvalu Area Code

From Chahaoba

+688 = Tuvalu :

Area Code, Long-distance Call VoIP, Mobile/Cellular Locator and Telephone Number of Tuvalu.

🔗 References:

Tuvalu International Dialing Code

  • Name: Tuvalu 🇹🇻
  • Code: 688, also +688, 00688, 00 688, 00-688, +688-, +00688, 0688, 000688, 011-688 etc.

General Information

  • Tuvalu country code: 688
  • Trunk Prefix: None
  • International Prefix: 00
  • Number Details: Tuvaluan phone numbers are five digits. The first digit signifies whether the phone number is a mobile or landline phone. Landline phone numbers begin with ‘2’. The second digit signifies a geographic region of the country. Mobile numbers begin with‘9’or‘7’.

An example of a phone number in Tuvalu

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade, Tourism, Environment and Labour Government of Tuvalu lists its phone number in Funafuti as (688) 20840.

Detail of Area Numbering Prefix Code

Prefix Length Usage Information
20 5 Geographical Number for fixed telephony service Area code for Funafuti

International dialling format: +688 20XXX

22 5 Geographical Number for fixed telephony service Area code for Niulakita

International dialling format: +688 22XXX

23 5 Geographical Number for fixed telephony service Area code for Nui

International dialling format: +688 23XXX

24 5 Geographical Number for fixed telephony service Area code for Nukufetau

International dialling format: +688 24XXX

25 5 Geographical Number for fixed telephony service Area code for Nukulaelae

International dialling format: +688 25XXX

26 5 Geographical Number for fixed telephony service Area code for Nanumea

International dialling format: +688 26XXX

27 5 Geographical Number for fixed telephony service Area code for Nanumaga

International dialling format: +688 27XXX

28 5 Geographical Number for fixed telephony service Area code for Niutao

International dialling format: +688 28XXX

29 5 Geographical Number for fixed telephony service Area code for Vaitupu

International dialling format: +688 29XXX

90 6 Non-geographical number Digital Mobile 2G (GSM) Assigned to Tuvalu Telecom

International dialling format: +688 90XXXX

70 7 Non-geographical number Digital Mobile 3G (UMTS) Assigned to Tuvalu Telecom

International dialling format: +688 70XXXXX

71 7 Non-geographical number Digital Mobile 4G (LTE) Assigned to Tuvalu Telecom

International dialling format: +688 71XXXXX

Important/Emergency Numbers

Phone Number Service category
111, 20749 Police/Emergency
20480, 20752, 20765, 20903 Hospital of Princess Margare
20403 Ministry of Health and Human Resource Development
20117 Tourism office
20100 Premier Office

Phone Call Examples

The international call prefix depends on the country you are calling from; e.g., 00 for most European countries, and 011 from North America.

The prefix for international calls from Tuvalu is 00. For example, for a United States number you should dial 00 1(code of USA) and the phone number.

To call Tuvalu from abroad, dial +, then 668(the country code for Tuvalu), then the phone number.

1.How to call Tuvalu from China:

Dial 00-668-Phone Number.

We could have used the plus sign(+) to replace 00: +668-Phone Number

2.How to call Tuvalu from USA:

Dial 011-668-Phone Number.

We could have used the plus sign(+) to replace 011: +668-Phone Number

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