
From Chahaoba

黑龙江 = Heilongjiang:

Area Code

Area Code, Long-distance Call VoIP, Mobile/Cellular Locator and Telephone Number of Heilongjiang.


Long-distance Call Area Code
  • Inside China: 0451
  • Outside China: +86-451
Harbin (Haerbin, 哈尔滨), include: 道里, 南岗, 道外, 香坊, 动力, 平房, 松北, 呼兰, 依兰, 方正, 宾县, 巴彦, 木兰, 通河, 延寿, 阿城, 双城, 尚志, 五常
  • Inside China: 0452
  • Outside China: +86-452
Qiqihar (Qiqihaer, 齐齐哈尔), include: 龙沙, 建华, 铁锋, 昂昂溪, 富拉尔基, 碾子山, 梅里斯, 龙江, 依安, 泰来, 甘南, 富裕, 克山, 克东, 拜泉, 讷河
  • Inside China: 0467
  • Outside China: +86-467
Jixi (鸡西), include: 鸡冠, 恒山, 滴道, 梨树, 城子河, 麻山, 鸡东, 虎林, 密山
  • Inside China: 0468
  • Outside China: +86-468
Hegang (鹤岗), include: 向阳, 工农, 南山, 兴安, 东山, 兴山, 萝北, 绥滨
  • Inside China: 0469
  • Outside China: +86-469
Shuangyashan (双鸭山), include: 尖山, 岭东, 四方台, 宝山, 集贤, 友谊, 宝清, 饶河
  • Inside China: 0459
  • Outside China: +86-459
Daqing (大庆), include: 萨尔图, 龙凤, 让胡路, 红岗, 大同, 肇州, 肇源, 林甸, 杜尔伯特
Yichun (Heilongjiang)
  • Inside China: 0458
  • Outside China: +86-458
Yichun (Heilongjiang) (伊春), include: 伊春, 南岔, 友好, 西林, 翠峦, 新青, 美溪, 金山屯, 五营, 乌马河, 汤旺河, 带岭, 乌伊岭, 红星, 上甘岭, 嘉荫, 铁力
  • Inside China: 0454
  • Outside China: +86-454
Jiamusi (佳木斯), include: 永红, 向阳, 前进, 东风, 桦南, 桦川, 汤原, 抚远, 同江, 富锦, 七台河, 新兴, 桃山, 茄子河, 勃利
  • Inside China: 0453
  • Outside China: +86-453
Mudanjiang (牡丹江), include: 东安, 阳明, 爱民, 西安, 东宁, 林口, 绥芬河, 海林, 宁安, 穆棱
  • Inside China: 0456
  • Outside China: +86-456
Heihe (黑河), include: 爱辉, 嫩江, 逊克, 孙吴, 北安, 五大连池
  • Inside China: 0455
  • Outside China: +86-455
Suihua (绥化), include: 北林, 望奎, 兰西, 青冈, 庆安, 明水, 绥棱, 安达, 肇东, 海伦
  • Inside China: 0457
  • Outside China: +86-457
Daxinganling (大兴安岭), include: 呼玛, 塔河, 漠河

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